Sandpoint Christian School has many opportunities to extend learning and grow the school into a community. The following are some events that we may participate in from year to year.
September: See You At The Pole: takes place the 4th Wednesday of September. SCS joins students throughout the country who all meet at their respective school flag poles at the same time to pray. This event was started by high school students who wanted to gather for prayer on their school campus. Now, “See You At The Pole” has spread throughout our nation. This event teaches our students the importance and power of prayer, especially within the Body of Christ knowing that thousands of students are all gathering to pray on this special morning. Usually takes 30 minutes at most.
October: Red Ribbon Week: is a national event that usually takes place in the third week of October. During this week, the focus is on healthy living. Here at SCS, children tie red ribbons around the campus to remind us to stay healthy.
Storybook Character Day: is a fun day of building literacy here at SCS. It takes place in the last part of October each year. Students are encouraged to pick a character from a favorite book they have read and dress up as that character. Books may be fiction or non-fiction. Students (and teachers!) bring their book and present it to their class. Our goal is for students to talk and hear more about interesting literary characters, real people, or topics. SCS students will spend extra time reading in their classrooms on this day.
End of Quarter Pancake Breakfasts: SCS hosts three of these free pancake breakfasts each year, always on the last day of the first, second and third quarter. Our 8th grade students help with the cooking, serving, and cleaning up. This first one happens either late October or early November. Free pancakes and juice are served starting at 7:30am and ending at 8:05am in the cafeteria and students may take their plates to their classrooms to eat with their classmates. These breakfasts are a celebration of all the hard work accomplished in that quarter.
November: Parent/Teacher Conferences: sometime in the first two weeks of November, parents and teachers schedule a time to sit down and discuss the progress of their children. First quarter report cards are handed to parents at this conference. Conferences are slated for 15-20 minutes each.
CYT Theater Day at the Kroc Center: Grades K-8 attend a play in Coeur d’Alene put on by the Christian Youth Theater. This event happens anytime between November and May depending on the play we choose to see.
School Spelling Bees: The top spellers from each classroom bee compete for the top two positions Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving Break. The top two spellers from each grade may be invited to participate in the ACSI District Spelling Bee in January.
Creative Writing: 4th-8th grade students start writing their creative pieces that will be judged locally. Some of the best will be submitted to ACSI Creative Writing Festival in February.
December: Christmas Program and Auction: Come see the SCS students celebrate Jesus’ birth. Our class baskets will be raffled and there is a live auction. Each classroom presents their own music, skit, dance, etc. Every class performs as well as the handbell choir and orchestra.
January: School Choice Week: We realize you have a choice in schooling and appreciate that you choose SCS. This week will have some activities for students and will include a parent appreciation component.
End of quarter Pancake Breakfast. See October for details.
February: ACSI Math Olympics: Grades 3-8 students take an ACSI Math quizzes in reasoning and computation and top scorers in each grade win a place in the district competition.
Living History Day: Students experience history through their senses by traveling to different classrooms. Each classroom has a historical theme and students have the opportunity to see, hear, taste, and feel the history of the theme. The day starts at about 8:15 and goes about 3 hours. This is reportedly one of students favorite days of the year. Our entire school teaches American History one year and World History the next year and back and forth so that every student learns lots of both World History and American History while attending SCS. In an American History year, Living History Day looks like this: each classroom chooses an event or facet of American History to highlight in their classroom. Some of the events we have covered in the past include Native Americans, the Revolutionary War, the thirteen colonies, the Civil War, the Underground Railway, the World Wars, the Oregon Trail, American inventions, etc. Each classroom becomes a living history museum created by students and teachers. The museum may have decorations, costumes, food, music, hands-on activities and a lesson about the event they are highlighting. On Living History Day, all students are placed into groups which travel around to each classroom exploring and learning about American History. In World History years, each classroom usually picks a country, continent or world history event to highlight in much the same way. Some of the places, cultures and events we have covered are Africa, Medieval England and Spain, Israel, the Vikings, Ireland, Mexico, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, etc. The whole event usually takes about 3 hours and starts around 8:15 am.
100th Day of School: Usually lands late February to early March. Preschool thru 2nd grade mainly celebrate. Sometimes students meet in the gym for 100th day celebration activity stations created and run by teachers. Sometimes celebrating is done in the classroom. Usually takes an hour or so.
March: Dr. Seuss Day: Older students read Dr. Seuss books to younger students. Usually takes about an hour.
Speech Meet: begins with each 1st-8th grade school memorizing a short poem, fable, historic speech, puppet show, etc. (teachers will explain this in class). Then each student will participate in a school-wide speech meet and finalists from that go on to the District Speech Meet which is hosted on our campus. Speech Meet is not a competition. Every student gets evaluated on their own merit and may earn a blue ribbon if they score high enough.
End of 3rd Quarter free pancake breakfast.
Early Bird Re-enrollment: Current families can enroll for the next year. Early birds get an extra registration fee discount and will ensure their child has a spot in next year’s classroom before enrollment opens to the public.
April: Open Enrollment: enrollment for the next school year is open to the public. Classes usually fill up quickly during April.
Iowa Tests national standardized testing: Grades K-8 take standardized tests. Testing takes 5-10 school days. Test scores are mailed home in June.
May: National Day of Prayer: The Principal and volunteers set up and run prayer stations outdoors (if weather permits) and all classes travel from station to station learning about prayer and praying together. Usually takes about 1 ½ hours.
Open House: Come see what your students have been working on this year. Regular open house with music program. All rooms are open for our families and possible new families.
5-8th Grade Adventure: Each year, 5th-8th graders go either to an overnight Outdoor Education at a Christian camp or to Silverwood’s Science Day.
June: Pre-K Celebration: Morning celebration ceremony for families of our Pre-K and preschool students. Usually about 30-45 minutes. Snacks and juice served afterward.
Bike Day: All students may bring their bikes and helmets and we set up a bike track on the parking lot. The 7th/8th grade students meet for their own adventure. We talk about biking rules and safety. This event takes place in students’ PE class.
Eighth Grade Graduation: Evening graduation ceremony.
Last Day of School:
Awards Ceremony first thing in the morning with each teacher presenting awards to each student. School recognizes volunteers.
Snack break and all school recess between k-4th grade awards and 5-7grade awards.
Snack break, all school recess and adults vs students kickball game.
Final Report Cards and Standardized Testing Results are mailed home by the end of June.