We have implemented an allergy control policy at SCS in order to make our environment as safe as possible for those who have allergies. Primarily, we are concerned with allergies to peanuts and other nut products.
Each part of our allergy control program is structured in such as way that it interferes as little as possible with day to day school life.
Our request to our families would be that they become aware of food ingredients, help their student become aware, and never send loose nuts of any kind (Trail Mix, pistachios, etc.) to school. If the student does have food for lunch that includes nut products then they sit at the designated tables.
In the classroom for morning snack time, we have an approved snack list that has been made in order to help keep our classrooms nut-free. This list can be printed for your convenience.
The following letter was sent home at the beginning of the year:
Dear Parent/Guardian:
This letter is to inform you that there are student(s) at Sandpoint Christian School with life threatening allergies to peanuts and nuts.
It is Sandpoint Christian School’s goal to ensure that every student in our school is safe.
For birthdays or special parties, it is preferred that you use only the approved products/mixes. Also, snacks sent in with your child for morning snack time must be from the approved snack list or approved by the teacher.
Even trace elements of nuts could result in a severe allergic reaction. Sometimes these elements may be hidden in processed foods. Please read all labels to see if the product was manufactured or produced in a facility containing these peanut/nut allergens. Companies will list in bold at the bottom of the ingredients if it does contain them.
As your child may bring a lunch which could contain these allergens, please discuss the following safety precautions with your child:
Do NOT offer, share, or exchange any foods with other students at school.
Hand washing with soap and water (or using a disinfectant wipe), after eating is necessary to decrease the chance of cross contamination on surfaces at school.
There are “NUT FREE” tables and “NUTS OK” tables set up in the cafeteria. Please make sure your child knows if he/she has any products in his/her lunch that contain nuts. Our school staff will help monitor this during lunch, but it is always helpful if the students know before sitting down to eat.
Thank you for your diligence and consideration concerning this matter.